December 17, 2020 Have you ever “re-gifted” a Christmas present?Yes (67.74%)No (27.42%)Not yet (4.84%)Previous Polls December 16, 2020 What is worse- bitter cold or heavy snow?Bitter cold (66.67%)Heavy snow (28.33%)I love them both (5.00%)Previous Polls December 15, 2020 Would you support a national child care program?Yes (68.97%)No (31.03%)Previous Polls December 14, 2020 For the most part, do you trust other drivers in winter conditions?Yes (29.63%)No (70.37%)Previous Polls December 11, 2020 How important is a white Christmas to you?Very important (16.67%)It would be nice (27.78%)It’s OK but only for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (33.33%)It’s not important (16.67%)I don’t want a white Christmas (5.56%)Previous Polls December 10, 2020 With Covid vaccines getting closer, when do you expect life to get back to more or less normal?Spring 2021 (6.45%)Summer 2021 (9.68%)Fall 2021 or later (83.87%)Previous Polls December 9, 2020 What is the most important to you when choosing a partner?Personality (54.17%)Looks (0.00%)Intelligence (0.00%)Money (0.00%)Humour (8.33%)Sensitivity (8.33%)All equally (29.17%)Previous Polls December 8, 2020 Would you be willing to be one of the first people to get a Covid 19 vaccine?Yes. I want to be one of the first (15.15%)No.I’ll wait for others to get it (57.58%)I won’t get the vaccine (27.27%)Previous Polls December 7, 2020 Do you hide money from your partner?Yes, I even have a secret bank account (10.00%)Yes, I stash a little away whenever I get a chance (10.00%)No, but I’m thinking about it (3.33%)No (76.67%)Previous Polls December 4, 2020 Your thoughts on Christmas fruitcake!I love it (21.05%)It’s OK (10.53%)I could take it or leave it (31.58%)I hate it and wouldn’t give it to my worst enemy (36.84%)Previous Polls