April 27, 2021 If you had one week, what Canadian city would you most like to visit outside of the Maritimes?Quebec City (10.00%)Ottawa (10.00%)Vancouver (20.00%)Toronto (20.00%)Calgary (16.67%)Montreal (6.67%)Victoria (16.67%)Winnipeg (0.00%)Previous Polls April 26, 2021 What sport would be the funniest to watch if all the players were drunk?Baseball (9.38%)Hockey (18.75%)Golf (9.38%)Football (9.38%)Basketball (3.13%)Darts (3.13%)None. It’s never fun to watch anyone drinking (46.88%)Previous Polls April 23, 2021 Do you wish you spent less time on social media?Yes (59.46%)No (40.54%)Previous Polls April 22, 2021 Be honest.Have you ever gone thru someone else’s medicine cabinet?Yes.Who hasn’t? (16.67%)Occasionally (4.17%)I can’t remember (4.17%)No.No way (75.00%)Previous Polls April 21, 2021 Queen Elizabeth turns 95 years old today.Is it time for her to give up the throne?Yes (30.77%)No (46.15%)Maybe, but only if she skips Prince Charles and gives it to Prince William (23.08%)Previous Polls April 20, 2021 What network do you watch for the suppertime news?CBC (18.92%)CTV (59.46%)Global (0.00%)Other (2.70%)I don’t watch suppertime news (18.92%)Previous Polls April 19, 2021 How would you describe the litter situation this year?Awful (20.00%)Bad (33.33%)Average (43.33%)OK (0.00%)Good (3.33%)Previous Polls April 16, 2021 The federal budget will be released Monday.What should the government’s primary focus be?Lowering taxes (19.05%)Climate change (4.76%)Reducing the deficit (7.14%)More funding to the provinces for healthcare (64.29%)The economy (4.76%)Previous Polls April 15, 2021 How have you slept during the pandemic?Better than before (0.00%)About the same (80.77%)Worse than before (19.23%)Previous Polls April 14, 2021 What is your favourite type of movie?Comedy (41.67%)Action (20.83%)Sci Fi (8.33%)Drama (4.17%)Romance (16.67%)Horror (8.33%)Previous Polls