May 11, 2021 Do you wear a mask outside?Yes.Always (3.85%)Most of the time (19.23%)Occasionally (38.46%)No (38.46%)Previous Polls May 10, 2021 What four letter word best describes your life?Glad (26.92%)Joke (7.69%)Crap (19.23%)Cool (19.23%)Rich (15.38%)Wise (3.85%)Pure (7.69%)Previous Polls May 7, 2021 Do you want a federal election this year?Yes (24.44%)No (75.56%)Previous Polls May 6, 2021 Do you ignore workplace communication outside of business hours?Yes (25.00%)No (29.17%)Sometimes (45.83%)Previous Polls May 5, 2021 What grade do you give the federal government with vaccine distributions so far in Canada?A. Excellent (5.88%)B. Good (20.59%)C. OK (38.24%)D. Not very good (14.71%)F. Poor (20.59%)Previous Polls May 4, 2021 Today is May the 4th be with you day.From the original 3, what is your favourite Star Wars film?A New Hope (50.00%)The Empire Strikes Back (12.50%)Return of the Jedi (37.50%)Previous Polls May 3, 2021 Do you plan on doing some gardening this spring?Yes, I garden every year (50.00%)Yes, for the first time (4.55%)No (45.45%)Previous Polls April 30, 2021 How do you feel about the amount of taxes you pay?I pay way more than my fair share (64.52%)I pay my fair share (35.48%)I pay less than my fair share (0.00%)Previous Polls April 29, 2021 How long has it been since you deep cleaned your fridge?Within the last month (38.89%)Within the last 6 months (27.78%)Within the last 12 months (5.56%)I can’t remember (27.78%)Previous Polls April 28, 2021 Have you made any travel plans for the summer?Yes. Within my province (14.29%)Yes.Out of province (10.71%)No. It’s too early (25.00%)No. I don’t plan on travelling (50.00%)Previous Polls