March 6, 2020 Should employees be paid for time spent on coffee and cigarette breaks?Yes (26.67%)No (51.11%)It depends on the amount of time they take (22.22%)Previous Polls March 5, 2020 Should there be a ban on all fighting in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League?Yes (87.50%)No (12.50%)Previous Polls March 4, 2020 What do you consider to be the biggest news story so far this year?Coronavirus (53.85%)Railroad blockades in Canada (3.85%)Donald Trump’s impeachment trial (3.85%)Australian Fires (34.62%)Iran shooting down a passenger jet (3.85%)Previous Polls March 3, 2020 Who do you hope wins the US presidency this November?Donald Trump (47.73%)Joe Biden (29.55%)Bernie Sanders (6.82%)Elizabeth Warren (4.55%)Mike Bloomberg (0.00%)Amy Klobuchar (2.27%)None of the above (9.09%)Previous Polls March 2, 2020 What would you do if you found one thousand dollars on the ground?Keep it (43.48%)Turn in it (56.52%)Leave it there (0.00%)Previous Polls February 28, 2020 Does your job make you happy?Yes (35.71%)Some of the time (28.57%)Not very much (23.81%)No (11.90%)Previous Polls February 27, 2020 What do you think of gas price regulation in our province?I support it (50.00%)It doesn’t make any difference to me (30.00%)I don’t support it (20.00%)Previous Polls February 26, 2020 Who do you think has too much influence in Canadian politics?The wealthy (36.84%)The U.S. government (10.53%)Large companies like Google and Facebook (5.26%)Environmental groups (10.53%)Unions (0.00%)All of these (31.58%)None of these (5.26%)Previous Polls February 25, 2020 Should employers consider tobacco use when making hiring decisions?Yes (21.43%)No, it infringes on human rights (17.86%)No (39.29%)It depends on circumstances (21.43%)Previous Polls February 24, 2020 We are more than half way thru the winter season.What do you think so far?It’s been a good winter (88.00%)It’s been an average winter (12.00%)It’s been a bad winter (0.00%)Previous Polls