April 3, 2020 What’s your favourite from these movie titles that are 30 years old this year?Ghost (18.92%)Home Alone (37.84%)Pretty Woman (24.32%)Dances with Wolves (10.81%)Die Hard 2 (5.41%)The Hunt for Red October (2.70%)Previous Polls April 2, 2020 Based on your wardrobe, what is your favourite colour?White (4.65%)Black (41.86%)Green (0.00%)Blue (39.53%)Red (11.63%)Brown (0.00%)Yellow (0.00%)Orange (2.33%)Previous Polls April 1, 2020 Are you satisfied so far with the federal government’s response to coronavirus?I am satisfied (42.86%)I am somewhat satisfied (33.33%)I am somewhat dissatisfied (4.76%)I am dissatisfied (19.05%)Previous Polls March 31, 2020 Have you started doing your taxes?Yes (12.50%)No (41.67%)I’m done (45.83%)Previous Polls March 30, 2020 What could make you grouchy if you went too long without it?Food (25.00%)Coffee (25.00%)Sleep (25.00%)Sex (18.75%)Cigarettes (6.25%)Vacation (0.00%)Previous Polls March 27, 2020 What do you have the most problem with remembering? Is it:Names (45.71%)Birthdays (14.29%)Phone numbers (11.43%)Anniversaries (5.71%)Passwords (20.00%)Keys (2.86%)Previous Polls March 26, 2020 What’s the last thing you would say to your boss if you quit your current job?Goodbye (23.81%)I hate you (0.00%)I quit (9.52%)Thank you (42.86%)Good luck (14.29%)Shove it (9.52%)Previous Polls March 25, 2020 What’s the worst pizza topping?Anchovies (54.17%)Olives (0.00%)Mushrooms (4.17%)Pineapple (8.33%)Onions (0.00%)Spinach (8.33%)All of them equally bad (12.50%)None of them, they’re all good (12.50%)Previous Polls March 24, 2020 The minimum hourly wage in Nova Scotia goes up on April 1st to $12.55.What do you think? It’s good (34.29%)It’s not enough (54.29%)There should be no minimum wage.Employers should determine minimum wages (11.43%)Previous Polls March 23, 2020 Would you be willing to pay extra taxes for a national pharmacare program?Yes (47.83%)No (52.17%)Previous Polls