April 20, 2020 How are you handling home schooling?It’s going great (5.88%)We are managing (29.41%)It’s not going well (0.00%)I’m not home schooling (0.00%)I don’t have school age children (64.71%)Previous Polls April 17, 2020 What is your favourite part about spring?Warm weather (42.86%)Gardening/flowers (14.29%)Outdoor activities (while respecting social distancing) (20.00%)Longer days (22.86%)Previous Polls April 16, 2020 Which parent has had the most influence in your life?Your mother (46.15%)Your father (15.38%)Both equally (38.46%)Previous Polls April 15, 2020 How are you getting your groceries?Shopping on my own (67.74%)Using a delivery service (3.23%)Curbside pickup (3.23%)A designated family member (25.81%)Using food banks (0.00%)Previous Polls April 14, 2020 Do you ever talk to yourself?Never (11.54%)I sure do (69.23%)Yes, and it’s embarrassing (0.00%)Yes, It’s the only way to get to speak with someone intelligent (19.23%)Previous Polls April 13, 2020 Do you think you are a better parent than your parents?Yes (42.86%)No (28.57%)About the same (28.57%)Previous Polls April 9, 2020 Today is the 100th day of the year. Did you keep your New Year’s resolution?Yes (2.22%)No (20.00%)I didn’t make one (73.33%)I forgot about it (4.44%)Previous Polls April 8, 2020 Are you satisfied so far with your provincial government’s response to coronavirus?I am satisfied (66.67%)I am somewhat satisfied (20.83%)I am somewhat dissatisfied (4.17%)I am dissatisfied (8.33%)Previous Polls April 7, 2020 Who or what inspires you the most during this time?Your family (28.57%)Healthcare Workers (42.86%)Your neighbours (4.76%)Government Leaders (9.52%)Your faith (14.29%)Previous Polls April 6, 2020 What are you doing to get your hair cut?I’m doing it myself (30.00%)A family member is going it for me (15.00%)I’ve ordered a Flowbee (remember that?) (0.00%)Nothing- I’m letting it go wild (50.00%)I don’t have enough hair to worry about this (5.00%)Previous Polls