May 4, 2020 What have you consumed the most of in the last two months?Baked goods (24.00%)Junk food (28.00%)Alcohol (4.00%)Television (44.00%)Previous Polls May 1, 2020 Do you plan on doing some gardening this spring?Yes, I garden every year (56.98%)Yes, for the first time (12.79%)No (30.23%)Previous Polls April 30, 2020 What product needs to be reinvented?Umbrellas (15.00%)Toothpaste tubes (20.00%)TV remote controls (25.00%)Plastic wrap (35.00%)Shampoo bottles (5.00%)Previous Polls April 29, 2020 Are you making a point of supporting local businesses more lately?Yes (76.19%)No (19.05%)Not yet, but I will (4.76%)Previous Polls April 28, 2020 How long has it been since you deep cleaned your fridge?Within the last month (39.13%)Within the last 6 months (39.13%)Within the last 12 months (8.70%)I can’t remember (13.04%)Previous Polls April 27, 2020 Are you wearing a non-medical mask when out in public?Yes (6.90%)No (79.31%)Only when physical distancing is difficult (13.79%)Previous Polls April 24, 2020 Should the RCMP have sent out a public alert last weekend?Yes (61.11%)No (7.41%)I don’t think it would have made any difference (31.48%)Previous Polls April 23, 2020 Do you think police cruisers should be demolished when they are decommissioned?Yes (66.67%)No (33.33%)I’m not sure (0.00%)Previous Polls April 22, 2020 Are you managing to stay active?Yes (82.61%)No (17.39%)Previous Polls April 21, 2020 Queen Elizabeth turns 94 years old today.Is it time for her to give up the throne?Yes (16.67%)No (61.11%)Maybe, but only if she skips Prince Charles and gives it to Prince William (22.22%)Previous Polls