June 1, 2020 Do you think there should be more pedestrian- only streets this summer?Yes (39.13%)No (60.87%)Previous Polls May 29, 2020 Scenario: You get $10,000 for your favourite charity if you pose fully nude for a fundraising calendar.Do you do it?Yes, it’s for a great cause (13.51%)Yes, but I don’t think they will sell many calendars (21.62%)No, I wouldn’t (64.86%)Previous Polls May 28, 2020 Do you miss watching live sports?Yes (50.00%)No (50.00%)Previous Polls May 27, 2020 Would you take a commercial flight in the next year?Yes (20.00%)No (53.33%)I’m not sure yet (26.67%)Previous Polls May 26, 2020 How old were you when you got your first job?Under 16 (65.38%)16- 18 (19.23%)Over 18 (11.54%)I’ve never had a job (3.85%)Previous Polls May 25, 2020 Would you trust your spouse/significant other to wake you up instead of your alarm?Absolutely yes (46.88%)Are you kidding me? Not a chance (53.13%)Previous Polls May 22, 2020 How would you rate the spring so far?One of the best ever (12.82%)Average (41.03%)One of the worst ever (10.26%)What spring? (35.90%)Previous Polls May 21, 2020 What do you do when you get a phone call from a number you don’t recognize?Answer it anyway (30.00%)Search the number online (16.67%)Let it go to voicemail (10.00%)I don’t answer it (43.33%)Previous Polls May 20, 2020 Should an eventual virus vaccine be mandatory for everyone?Yes (25.71%)No (51.43%)Yes, with some exceptions (22.86%)Previous Polls May 19, 2020 What do you do in grocery stores with one-way aisles?I wait for the person ahead of me to move (38.24%)I go around them (5.88%)I wait for the person to leave the aisle (2.94%)I admit I have done all of these (52.94%)Previous Polls