November 19, 2020 Are virtual meetings as effective as in-person?Yes (22.73%)No (63.64%)Only occasionally (13.64%)Previous Polls November 18, 2020 What’s your favourite winter sport to participate in?Curling (5.56%)Hockey (5.56%)Ice fishing (0.00%)Skating (22.22%)Skiing (16.67%)Snowboarding (11.11%)Snowmobiling (38.89%)Previous Polls November 17, 2020 When things get back to normal, what country would you most like to visit?Australia (21.05%)France (10.53%)Italy (26.32%)Ireland (5.26%)Japan (0.00%)New Zealand (15.79%)Spain (5.26%)United Kingdom (15.79%)Previous Polls November 16, 2020 Are you willing to wait in line outside of a business as the weather gets colder?Yes (33.33%)No (66.67%)Previous Polls November 13, 2020 Do you think you are getting enough exercise?Yes (36.36%)No (63.64%)Previous Polls November 12, 2020 What do you think will be mostly eliminated by 2030?Newspapers (28.57%)Cable TV (4.76%)Movie theatres (9.52%)Cheques (4.76%)Cash (9.52%)All of them (23.81%)None of them (19.05%)Previous Polls November 10, 2020 When do you put on winter tires?November (74.19%)December (3.23%)Usually after the first snow storm (12.90%)I don’t use winter tires (9.68%)Previous Polls November 9, 2020 Overall, how do you feel Canada treats its veterans?Very well (17.86%)OK (35.71%)Not good enough (42.86%)Very poorly (3.57%)Previous Polls November 6, 2020 What reality show would you most want to win?Survivor (11.11%)The Amazing Race (37.04%)The Voice (7.41%)Big Brother (7.41%)Dancing with the Stars (3.70%)Who wants to be a Millionaire? (25.93%)The Weakest Link (7.41%)Previous Polls November 5, 2020 Will the pandemic affect how you commemorate Remembrance Day?Yes. I will commemorate from home (72.73%)No. I will go to a public ceremony (4.55%)I don’t commemorate Remembrance Day (22.73%)Previous Polls